

Following the Government making a change to regulation raising the income threshold for angel investors from £100,000 from £170,000 per year, Lodestone Communications and others were concerned about the impact on female founders and investors. While affecting all angel investors, the change would disproportionately affect women, due to the persisting gender wage gap.

Mobilising a powerful team of lawyers, investors, and entrepreneurs, we collated a private letter to the Chair of the Women and Equalities Select Committee - signed by over 200 high-profile women - underlining the gender-specific impact of the change. Simultaneously, we utilised our network to raise the changes behind the scenes with No 10 and the Treasury, asking questions of the Government in Parliament. Following the success of the open letter and positive coverage from The Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail, and tech focused outlets, the Chancellor reinstated the previous eligibility criteria for angel investors in the Spring Budget. Now, we’re expanding the campaign to maximise its impact – establishing InvestHER as not-for-profit alongside software consultancy Equal Experts and partner Emma Wright (Head of Harbottle & Lewis’ Technology, Data, and Digital team) with high powered steering committee. “The success of our important campaign to overturn changes to the investment regulations that disproportionately disadvantage start- ups founded and funded by women, was in large part down to the inspiring female-led team at Lodestone.” Dame Caroline Dinenage MP.