Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight is a four-year old B2B agency that launched in April 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last 12 months, the Soho-based firm’s relentless focus on B2B creativity has driven year-on-year revenue growth of 34 per cent – from £3.4 to £4.5M – and unlocked new briefs from leading brands including AMEX GBT, Expedia, LinkedIn, Nokia, Oracle and Sky. Its growth in the last year means Fight or Flight is officially the fastest growing PR agency of the decade so far and the youngest firm in the PRWeek Top 150.

At a time when the battle for attention is fiercer than ever, Fight or Flight believes that B2B campaigns must use consumer-grade creativity to cut through and influence B2B audiences. Breakthrough 2023/4 campaigns including Fifty Shades of Ginger (for Roland), Accounts Deceivable (for Medius) and Real or Not Real (for Frontify) are proof that the agency is “shifting the dial” in a category that is traditionally dominated by product press releases and technical whitepapers.